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Bio, organic or superfoods? What is the best for you?

Bio, organic, super foods, or maybe just healthy food? We use these terms interchangeably, but they can mean something completely different. Learn the basic differences.


The terms organic, bio and eco are used interchangeably. It means that the food was produced without pesticides or fertilizers. Organic meat, eggs or dairy products are sourced from animals that are fed naturally and do not get hormones or antibiotics.

Here it's worth remembering what the certificates we can find on packaging look like, if we're talking about the strictly regulated term organic and bio. ORGANIC certification is a guarantee that the food was produced with little impact on the environment, while BIO certification means that no pesticides or chemicals were used to speed up the growth of the product or to feed the animals.


Interested in the topic? Take a look at the detailed study of all eco-related certifications: CLICK. This is also the source of the above graphic.


They have no artificial additives or ingredients.



A general term that can refer to both natural and organic foods. We also refer to healthy foods in the context of foods that have been processed, but through a shorter and less invasive process than usual, such as whole-grain flour instead of highly milled white flour.



Unprocessed foods of natural origin, rich in nutrients whose quantity and properties benefit the human body. Super foods can include flaxseed, fresh fruits, nuts or vegetables, i.e. everything I talk about in the podcast - LISTEN TO PODCAST.

What lands in your shopping cart on a daily basis: natural foods, superfoods or maybe you don't look at labels?


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Have an active day,