Wenecka - trener personalny

How you can improve your condition by yourself?

Out of breath on the second floor.
Run 200 meters and not spit out your lungs? That's impossible.
Running to the bus equals a heart attack. However, it is better to wait for the next bus.

If you are reading this, you know these stories very well. all too well. I know them too, both from my own life and from the stories of clients and customers. Although our bodies function best when we are in motion, and should theoretically be efficient and fit for basic activities (running is such an activity too), by deteriorating our lifestyles, reducing our activity or getting sedentary, we end up in a situation that is unnatural for us, where any more effort than sitting down and standing up brings us to the brink of exhaustion. Don't be proud of doing nothing all day. This is a reason to be ashamed and fix the situation. Because what the heck, but this situation can be reversed. And you can even do it yourself. This is the first and second good news, and there will be one more.


Let's start with what condition is. Simply put in terms of movement, fitness is the body's ability to use oxygen. The better the condition, the better we can cope with a situation of oxygen deficit, which is what happens during movement. That's why when you don't have good condition, it means a loss of breathing, and thus problems with blood circulation throughout the body, dizziness, fainting, etc.

Another third piece of good news is that you improve your fitness with any kind of movement, whatever you do_ will have a positive effect on your fitness.  More or less, but it will affect it. However, let's take a look at the behaviors or activities that uniquely enhance our ability to use oxygen.


Mountain sports

Whether we're talking about trekking or skiing, any sport practiced at altitude changes the structure of our cells and makes us, through forced adaptation to less oxygen (and this is the situation in the mountains), start to perform sensationally under normal conditions when, for example, we return to the gym. For this to make sense, it's worth going to the mountains regularly, optimally 2 x a year, and doing sports there. We don't sit around mulled wine, it doesn't work.


Climbing, especially high mountain climbing, especially on a glacier

This is an extreme, available to a few. It trains the muscles, coordination, head, emotions, heart and lungs. As before, the mechanism is the same, but the conditions are much more difficult. I realize that this is a sport for the chosen few. Not everyone likes climbing and not everyone likes winter. Well, but, maybe I have just planted curiosity in you?


Aerobic exercises

Biking, running, brisk walking, orbiter, jumping jacks, HIIT workouts and tabata. And, of course, that's not all. The most important thing is to move dynamically and breathe steadily. This, in turn, activities are available to everyone, at home, in the park or at the gym. In order for the activity to have an effect, it is worth putting it permanently in your schedule and weaving it into your other workouts. If you do yoga or Pilates, that's very good, but not enough for spectacular changes. Add aerobic exercises, weave in skipping or brisk walking. If you decide at the same time to train outdoors, it can't get any better. How long should such activity last, and how should it be graded? I don't know. I don't know you and your capabilities. To accurately determine this, any trainer or instructor should check your capacity and know any limitations. Don't be fooled by articles on the Internet telling you exactly how much of what to exercise. This can do more harm than good. It's a system written under an averaged model, and models don't exist. Instead, unique people exist. So you are unique and special. Your condition is also unique.



As I mentioned, improving your body's adaptability will be affected by basically any activity. It could be increasing the amount of walking, quickening your stride, swimming or tightrope walking (about that another time!). It is important that it is an activity at which you get tired (yoga is not enough), repeat regularly and slowly increase the intensity. At first, fatigue will come quickly, but over time, as your body adapts, you will tire later and less. And do you know what's most beautiful about it all? There is no end in sight. It can always get better, even if you're a marathoner diving deep and climbing a glacier. 



If you are looking for specific answers, solutions and a plan tailored to you, then naturally, feel free to contact me.


JUSTYNA WENECKA | personal trainer
